Trends to date

Through 2021, large brands began to pivot  their engagement with social platforms with some leaving altogether. Here’s a peek at what’s trending.

In November 2021, LUSH cosmetics announced its departure from social media platforms stating that it “. . .[would] be turning its back on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat, until the platforms take action to provide a safer environment for users.” Motivated by recent information on the adverse effects of social media on their core audience of young people, Lush resolved - for the second time - to take a new approach to social media engagement. They explained they would use Youtube for product information and education and Twitter for customer service.  

Luxury brands also embraced the move away from social media in 2021. Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga, and Nicolas Ghesquière either left Instagram completely or pivoted their strategy to ephemeral - short term - content. Citing reasons ranging from the negativity of social platforms to not attracting the right kind of customer, these powerhouses had the means to make such dramatic and rapid moves.

Heather Birch is our in-house writer and is a member of OFFLINE.


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